Levi K
03-26-2006 14:53:42
The day started like any other, grandmother yelling at us to get out and do work after coming in from chores. The first item on the agenda was to grind feed, when we started the drag a groundhog came running out from under the drag, didn,t think much of it ground the feed as much as we could before we had to push the drag in farther, we started pushing it back, and the rear end of it pops up, I look down and see all the corn and crap that that varmint did. We pull the drag out, clean out the dragway, and start to push it back in it is almost to where we want it the 4x4 slips off and my uncle who is operating his 440 Case skidloader, goes up under the drag and pushes the chain up over the rollers. I get down on my stomach too look at it with the corn-rotted concrete, take the rollers off hopin that would cure the problem, it doesn't, take the drag back out, tip it on it's side and see that a flight is bent clear back. By this time everyone is pissed, so we go around to the other side of the crib to grind, takes me 15 minutes to get the hopper up to the crib. After all that happens my dad is wanting my help with our little JD 375 skidloader which has a hose that's blown and my grandpa wants my help to get wagons to fill feed in. get done with my dad, go help grandpa with the wagons. Now we have a box that we put under the wagons to catch the corn out of tha wagon that we auger out of into the auger wagon, grandpas runnin the big skidloader and gets under the box with pallet forks and puts a hole right through the bottom of the box. I have to scoop it up and just when I think were done, he dumps HALF of whats in the bucket on the ground. Get that cleaned up and have to listen to the whinings of a city, college boy my uncle hired while uncovering the silage pile. What a FUN day!!