Oh, it is amazing what you discover when you get brave enough! I am referring to the head...sure enough. This reservoir has a top and bottom cover...removed, neither expose the pistons, just the internals of the reservoir itself...not much to see. Annnywayyy, I took the digital camera with me to the shop...for instant memory (he-he!). if anything in my 48+ years, I have learned..it's that I ain't getting any smarter as time goes by. That camera doesn't forget anything! I shoved the pistons out and the rest of the innards, cleaned everything up and started removing and replacing O rings. When a piece was finished, it went back in it's respective hole. The spool valves...taught me they also have a tiny piston inside that takes a matching tiny O ring. Then, the control valves.....the info sheet said if they only had one O ring, not to install the extras...eventhough they have obvious places for them. Mine only used one, so only one went back on. I also learned that these control valves will only go in their original hole/bore. I had to stop for the evening, but am on a roll now. My only question now is: why did the kit have two (2) head gaskets? One is thicker than the other...I used the thin one. I also have no idea what to torque the head bolts too. If I was supposed to used the thick head gasket, some body speak up, now is the time to change it! The rest is a piece of cake. I just hope the son of a female dog works when I am done!