CNKS: I knew that you knew the difference, and I also knew you were thinking of the detachable rims. I have a set of black front rims on my 130, and got to admit they look quite sharp. Back when the 130 were new they had optional 4.5" x 16" front wheels available. My brother also has set of 16" wheels on his 230, both detachable rims and silver. I went looking for new 16" rims for my 130 as I have 12.4x24 on 10" rims on rear, thus it takes 6.00x16 to make tractor sit level. The 16" detachable rims aren't to be had from any source anymore. In the end I took a couple of donut spare tire rims from the last of the rear wheel drive Buicks, ground the centers out and had a fabricator make lugs turning them into detachable rims for the 130. those Buick rims are 4.5" x 16". It's in the photo gallery, complete with it's GM black rims and 6.00x16 front tires. I am currently doing the same with my 140, just installed new 10x24 rims with new 12.4x24 rear tires. It is interesting to note, one can still buy the optional 4.5" x 16" front rims for a 140. I have a new set of rims coming from Miller Tire. I suspect they are going to be white, and I think I'll leave them white. Going to see how I like it anyhow.