KX2B: Your problem is obviously air. While I've never had any serious hydraulic problems with these little tractors, I've had those hydraulic lins off on numerous ocasions for repairs such as clutch, engine, etc. I've never had to purge the system with air or even remove that little bleeder screw. First off do not run the tractor anymore than necessary without that hydraulic oil circulating. That little pump needs the oil for lubrication. Fill the touch controll to full mark, then place the tractor on a steep down grade. With engine off, loosen the pipes at the pump, this should allow air to escape and oil to flow by graviety to the pump. Once oil gets to the pump, it should pick it up. Thus at that point retighten the lines at pump and start the tractor. I might add, I've never had to do this, nor have I ever had to bleed one of these systems. Even with those steel tubes empty the pump pulled the oil through in a matter of seconds. Once that pump gets oil it will soon take any air back to the resivoir. Another question, have you cleaned the cylinder type screen on the left side of the touch control unit. That screen could be stopping the free flow of oil back to the pump. This could also explain why it worked before you took it apart and now that air has been introduced, your just not getting that free flow of oil.