Hi - there is a fairly well used IH 444 sitting down the road from me and I wondered if you guys could give me some idea of what these tractors sell for?I dont know if it even runs, the fuel smells terribly varnished. Cannot see any coolant in radiator. The sheet metal is in prtty good shape, not dented or rusty. The dash panel is broken however. The rear tires are shot although the rims look servicable. I am gonna go see the seller, if this tractor runs and I can satisfy myself it doesnt have engine, clutch, tranny, hydraulic problems whats it worth? Of course if it has any of those problems I would factor that into any offer I make. If it doesnt run what would you say then? Looking at it as a candidate for refurbishing to use around my property for mowing etc. I like the size of this tractor and I believe it would be more powerful than the Ford 9N I have right now. Thanks!