Michael Soldan
04-18-2006 19:57:25
Welp, I wear a hat everyday and they are ball cap types, some from machinery dealers, some from businesses, seed companies , mills, and a few sports caps from our local hockey club. My problem is grease, sweat,paint, manure dirt, dust, cobwebs ad infinitum...all the stuff around a farm that tends to ruin a hat in appearance and sanitary condition so I wash them periodically. I usually do a batch of 4 or5, I put them in the laundry tub, fill with real warm water and I take a scrub brush and some Tide, I scrub the peaks, the top of the hat and the sweat band, rinse in clean water and let them drip a while. Then I bunch up newspaper into a ball about the right size to fill the hat and fit the paper until the hat looks the right shape, then set out on the patio to dry. When the outside looks dry I remove the paper wad and let the hat dry completely.I got two Nascar hats, a Taylor Tree Removal Service and a hat Mitch The Farmall kid gave me drying now. About two weeks is all I can stand for a hat before cleaning it again, worse in haying season when you sweat more, sometimes a day is long enough. A friend of mine says he got a rack that your hats fit on and you can put them in the dish washer to clean them, anybody got a method they like for their hats? ,,, Mike in Exeter Ontario