Hey all,I have a 656 with a model 2000 loader (bought with great advice from the forum by the way), and when I was switching from the forklift forks for the loader to the bucket, I pulled the pin out that mounts the forks to the loader boom, and the steel bushing from inside the hole just fell out in pieces. The hole is slightly out of round, but not too bad. What would a guy do to fix this? IH tells me they don't even list a bushing for this location, but I have a broken one here in my hand. Here is the chunk that fell out:
 Here is the hole it fell out of:
 Here is the opposite side of the hole it fell out of:
 and here is what the other side of the tractor boom looks like..
 When I look inside the intact one, it appears to be two busings, one at each outer edge of the hole, with a grease zirk squirting into the center. The bad side seems to have been welded on and messed with, so I don't even know if that is what it looked like to start with. THe pice that fell out appears to be 3/4" wide with an ID of 1 3/16". The pins are 1 1/8". I suppose my question is, how would you proceed to fix this thing? Does anyone know what this should look like? Thanks, Darren