Gerald, You will be seriously disappointed with these so-called "kits." These kits consist of an overpriced alternator and a photocopied sheet of "instructions" which tell you to "do whatever it takes to install the alternator and wire it up, and oh yeah, don't forget the ballast resistor between the switch and the ignition coil." It's not complicated, or difficult. The 140 is in fact one of the easiest to convert. Here's a high-level set of steps with some "gotchas" to look out for along the way: 1. Buy yourself an alternator. The Delco 10SI is a good choice for the Super A/C, 100,200,130,230,140,240 tractors. Bolts right in to the stock bracket with little to no modification necessary, using a piece of threaded rod. 2. Remove the original 6V battery, light bulbs, generator and voltage regulator. 3. Install the new alternator. 4. Wiring is a little complicated to describe in words. Bob M has a set of wiring diagrams he keeps posted on the web that will give you the general idea of what needs to be done. Someone will post the link shortly, with any luck. 5. Reverse the two small wires on the ignition coil and install a ballast resistor in between the ignition switch and the ignition coil. Or replace the original coil with a 12V coil. 6. Swap the two wires on the Amp gauge. 7. Install the battery, negative ground.