Odd that this question would come up because my dad and I were wondering the same thing about the hydraulic reservoir on my stage 2 SH. Drained the reservoir to install a 2-way valve yesterday, then put the better part of 2 gallons back in. Dunno how to tell its full without just filling it to the top... It's supposed to hold 7 quarts according to the manual. As far as the hytran coming out of the axle housings, those holes aren't supposed to go all the way through the casting as far as I know. When we cleaned out the holes in Dad's 400 to install the fenders, there defintely was a bottom to each of the holes. Maybe it's pretty common for people to use too long of a bolt to install fenders? They tighten it down and pop the bottom out of the hole. Using silicone to plug the hole is absolutely STUPID! You've just completely eliminated the possibility of EVER putting fenders on the tractor. They're threaded bolt holes, for crying out loud. Chase the threads with a tap, get some short bolts the right size, and thread 'em in. Leak stopped.