It was indeed a lawsuit that caused the gas cap program to be started, and I'm fairly certain that the gas cap program was a stipulation of the settlement. The old short caps were a fire hazard. Gas would leak out of the vent on to the tank, vaporize, and catch fire from an errant spark. Worse still, the vent would plug up, pressure would build inside the tank, and when you went to open the cap to fuel up with a hot tractor, gas would come spraying out, all over you and the hot muffler... Crispy critters, indeed. Where do you come up with this idea that the lawyers get money for each free cap? There is no logical (lawyer-logic or otherwise) reason why anyone, other than the company that produces the caps, would get any money out of the deal. Yeah, mo-money mo-money, but you need to make at least some sort of case to the judge in order to get the money. No case can be made for the plaintiffs being awarded a royalty for each free cap distributed, not even a ludicrous one.