Mace, I fear you are comparing apples to oranges here based on different charging systems. On some older Farmalls (not sure about your tractor????) they didnt use any Voltage Regulator, only a simple 2 wire Cutout Relay. On those the gennys Field terminal wired up to the light switch which had a resistor and the field was dead grounded for high charge but grounded via that resistor for low charge. When one replaced the Cutout Relay with a VR, then the gennys Field wired to the FLD terminal on the VR, NOT up to any switch or switch resistor. The switch resistor you mentioned may be a resistor used for light dimming or the field control resistor I referred to above, but REGARDLESS THATS NOT WHERE THE VR'S LOAD TERMINAL SHOULD BE WIRED. The VR's LOAD terminal ought to be wired to the BAT input terminal on a switch, the terminal that is the main voltage INPUT. Then the switch switches that voltage to lights or ignition etc when turned oN. I still am not convinced the VR is bad, I think youre NOT wiring the right circuit(s) to the VR;s L terminal. NO WIRE connected to it ought to cause any continuous current draw cuz it will run the battery down. If the L terminal feeds a switches BAT input supply terminal, then theres ONLY current draw when the lights or ignition are switched ON as it should be. Maybe Bob M's wiring diagrams may help you?? but rememember its still possible to rewire that tractor (regardless if it originally had a cutout relay or a 3 or 4 wire VR) with your new 4 terminal VR and make it work fine. AGAIN use the 4 wire VR's LOAD terminal to feed the BAT input terminal on a switch NOT ANY SWITCH RESISTOR OR TERMINAL THAT ALWAYS CAUSES A CURRENT DRAW or the battery will run down. On 3 pole VR's or Cutout Relay systems the BAT input terminal on switches was fed off the ammeters load side terminal (same terminal that wired to BAT on a VR or Cutout Relay) John T