Jon: Most birds are rather determined little critters, particularly if they get to to egg laying before you notice it. In the early stages of nest building a few squirts of absorbine, the veterinary liniment, on the site will discourage them. I have that problem with barn swallows every spring, wanting to build under the roof over my deck. They will usually try a couple of spots before giving up. About all I use my SA for anymore is mowing my grass about once per week. I don't mow a large area, thus about 3/4 of an hour does it all. Last year I noticed every time I mowed I would smell something burning. In that short time it never got to noticable smoke or fire. After about the 4 th week I decided I best investigate. Took the hood off and between valve cover and manifold, a badly burnt birds nest. I have no idea what species or indeed whether they were successful. This spring I have been doing a bit of tractor work for a guy that has three articulated tractors, two Deere's and one New Holland. The NH was parked for about a week at one point. Sparrows have built a nest up under the roof of the cab, actually I think there are two nests. The design is such that you can't see the nests. I've operated this tractor about 5 of the past 10 days. There is a lot of activity by these little birds, everytime I fire that engine up. If I stop to make adjustment to equipment they will be right there and after a couple of days were brave enough to go to nest with tractor running. I'm not certain but think one of these little birds have become contented enough to ride with me all day. They are not particular whether the tractor is new or old, large or small. If it hasn't moved for a few days, they will soon call it home. I do tend to kid the guys operating the two Deere's, by telling them even the little birds know a good tractor when they see it.