Like the others said, the archieves on this site have a ton of info. You're not the first who;s had to bring an old Farmall back to life. Also, I recommend you get some reading material: --Operator's Manual: From Binder Books. These are reprints of the orignal operator's manuals. They're a great source of info. And, don't let the title "Operator's Manual" fool you. There's a ton of good maintenance info in there. --I&T Shop Service Manual: Published by Intertec publishing company. Not as detailed as the operator's manual. Also, it's definentely written for the professional mechanic, so it's pretty short on step-by-step info. But, a good thing to have on hand. --Farmall Parts Catalog: From OEM Tractor Parts. These guys sell parts through mail order. Their not the only source of parts out there. But, their catalog is pretty comprehensive, and its a good reference. Plus, the catalog is free! Between those books, and this forum, you should have all the info you need.