Mismatched tires do detract from the aesthetic and monetary value of a tractor, but there is a hidden danger of having two mismatched tires that aren"t the same diameter. See, just because two different brands of tire say 13.6x38, for example, doesn"t mean that they"re the same diameter. Off by an inch in diameter means off by about 3-1/8 inches in circumference. With the tractor going in a straight line, one wheel will turn a little less than the other. For each revolution of the smaller wheel, the bigger wheel will only turn about 98-99% of the way around. This in turn will cause the spider gears in the differential to turn ALL THE TIME, when they"re only meant to turn while the tractor is going around a corner or one wheel is slipping. This causes undue wear on the differential, and could cause premature failure. It"s really far more pronounced in cars where the transmission works are turning much faster, but in 30-40 years, you might see a problem on a tractor... Before you say, "Ah, it"s no big deal," remember that we"re talking about tractors that are 30, 40, or more years old! A-ha!