Pat, If that thing will move that far it is not all that serious. The first thing tho, you just gotta get that "clutch" valve to shut. Heck with the free travel for now. Just make darned sure the pedal is pushing the valve clear closed when the pedal is "up". Then try 'er again just using the hand control. If it still doesn't work right, we've got to decide if the problem is upstairs in the shift control or downstairs in the unit. Pull the battery cover. You will see two capsules staring you in the face above the battery. One is an anti cost valve and the other is a check valve. They are not the same, but we can switch 'em just for a quick test. Be sure you keep 'em straight in your mind so you can switch 'em back to their proper location. Let us know where you are at that point. If it works "kinda okay, but not quite, you've found the problem and it needs the two capsules. But, if the "hot and cold" shudder thing is still going on, we gotta go downstairs in the unit, but it is no big deal. Allan