Hopefully this message will save someone else a ton of trouble. After spending countless hours looking for the clutch throwout bearing grease zerk on my 1940 M, I got some good advice from this board that it had probably "backed out" and fallen to the bottom of the clutch housing.Soooo, after purchasing another tube from an old M, I went to work trying to figure out how to put the darn thing in. No matter what I tried, threads wouldn't catch. Working through that tiny hole didn't help matters any, either. Then I did some careful looking and cleaning with q-tips (all through the 1" hole) and figured that the old tube didn't back out, but had broken off! A quick trip to the hardware store for an easy-out and 2 minutes later I had the offending piece in my hand. Still can't put the new one in since I can't get the threads to go straight in (the hole is off center a bit, which is probably why the old one broke off), but at least I could install a flexible 1/8 grease tube from my grease gun and give it a good shot. I figure I'll install the new tube someday when I have to do some clutch work or have the belly pump off. All in all, this has taken me over 2 months to get this stupid bearing greased. Probably won't do much good as I'm sure it's been dry as a bone for years, but this became personal and I wasn't going to lose.