Red, first of all I hope the unit you bought is for that Negative ground system??? If not it may be fried!!!!! !!!!! As far as the coil and ballast, if youre at 12 volts but have a 6 volt coil, you and Pertronix are correct, you still need n use the ballast otherwise you overcurrent n overheat the coil !! The elec switch simply serves as the coil current controller and should still work regardless if theres any ballast resistor in the primary circuit in series ahead of the coil. Okay, heres one thing that might be wrong if you have a ballast and a 6 volt coil..... ... In that set up I believe the hot (red??) wire that connects to the elec switch unit should see 12 volts (not the 6 volts after the ballast), sooooo oooo instead of wiring it to the coils high input terminal as one normally could if he used a full 12 volt rated coil,,,,, ,it should be wired direct to the output of the ignition switch AHEAD OF BUT NOT AFTER THE BALLAST!!!!! !!!! Its the same point n voltage electrically if you wired it to the high input side of the ballast resistor, just DO NOT wire it downstream of n after the ballast on the coil as you could a 12 volt coil cuz its only 6 NOT 12 volts there!!! Sooooo ooooo wheres the hot (red??) swith wire connected ????? ?? If its on the coil and after the ballast try it wired to the ignition switches output or the high input (NOT coil side) side of the ballast !!!!! !! BUTTTTT TTTT you say you ran a hot wire to the coil which effectively by passed the ballast and put 12 volts on the elec switches lead so if it still dont work it may be baddddd dddd Other things to check are that the elec switch has a good case ground to the distributor and the coils low side is wired to the elec switch similar to how its wired to the distributor and gets its ground via closed points. Is the magnet installed properly on the distributors cam???? It needs to pass close by the pickup coil to trigger the elec switch to work you know????? ? Often the elec switch has 2 wires, red hot to coils high input terminal (or switch if ballast is used) and black minus to coils low side and then the elec switch needs a good ground and the magnet must pass by the pickup to trigger the switch. If its working there should always be voltage on the coils high input side but on the coils low (to distributor) terminal voltage should be 12 or 0 depending on if the magnet is lined up with the pickup coil. Remove the coil wire from the distibutor (leave coil end intact) and place its bare end within 1/4 inch of steel n turn her on n crank her over to see if the coil wire fires????? ? If it fires as the engines cranked but NOT via the plug wires, it may be a distributor cap or rotor or plug wire problem!!!!! look n try that n see !!!!! John T