Scott, I would FIRST remove, clean n wire brush, and reattach each n every battery and starter and starter switch and cable AND ESPECIALLY the ground connection. If the ground is loose or corroded or carboned up, it can cause what you described. If the ground cable is to any thin or rusty piece of sheet metal, reattach it direct to a good frame type bolt for a better frame ground connection. That spark sounds like a loose or carboned connection to me, theres a good chance thats the culprit so remove n wire brush n clean n reattach n see what happnes. Once alllll ll cables n connections n grounds n starter switch terminal are clean and tight and IF THE BATTERY IS OKAY????? , turn any lights on or attach a voltmeter or test lamp on the battery n try n start her. If the voltage drops drastically and/or any lights dim drastically, the starter could be bad or the engine stuck or the starter drive simply mechanically stuck, but if the voltage dont drop or any lights dim when you try n crank her, then I would suspect the starter switch if all else is okay. You sure the battery is okay and full charged??? maybe have a shop load test it or try a known good substitute battery. CHECK THAT FRAME GROUND CONNECTION AND GROUND CABLE TO BATTERY POST CONNECTION !!!!! !!!!! John T