What do you mean it doesn't match up? That's a serial number for a 1940 A. Remember, each tractor is supposed to have a UNIQUE serial number, and the lists only show the FIRST serial number for a particular year. For example, the first A serial in 1940 was 6744, and the first for 1941 was 41500. That means if your serial number is BETWEEN 6744 and 41499, then your tractor was made in 1940. That tractor has probably been running on plain gasoline for decades. The "kerosene" carburetor is only slightly different from the gas carburetor, and will work just fine with gas. You can get the kerosene manifold and shutters, but be aware that these are only available as used parts; they're going to be difficult to find in good condition, and expensive to buy. Having it run on kerosene would be quite unique these days.