Buff, Minor short circuits that are draining off a battery slowly can be hard to isolate n find at times, it depends on how bad the short is, but the higher its resistance (lesser current draw) the harder thay are to find. In the dark if you disconnect a wire then scratch/rub it back to its connection and it sparks, its drawing current. With all the switches off there shouldnt be connections where such happens unless that wire/circuit/device has a short somehwere. Its NOT good to be creating any sparks near the battery, especilly the top, you know If the ammeter works it should indicate a short discharge which should stop IF YOU REMOVE THE WIRE OR CIRCUIT where the short is. If you use that remove one wire/circuit at a time trick to see where the short is, the places I would try is the BAT terminal on a Voltage Regulator or Cutout Relay and the BAT input terminal on lights or ignition switch, NONE OF WHICH should be drawing current with everything off n the tractor sitting. If the remove wires trick dont work heres how I find a short. Remove the HOT ungrounded battery cable from its post,,,,, place the alligator clamp n wire end of a simple DC low voltage (6/12) test lamp on the bare battery post,,,,, ,now with the sharp probe end you hunt/attach/probe it to circuits n terminals etc cuz if n when you attach to a point thats grounded, THE LAMP LIGHTS. NOTE it would light if you attached to the down switch locations like on lights etc cuz theres a path to ground so its the before ahead of switch locations you want to probe to see where the short to ground is. Let me know, good luck n God Bless John T