06-28-2006 17:54:36
Re: Initial Carb Settings - Super C in reply to SuperCDon, 06-28-2006 08:30:04
The A,B,C,SA,SC had more than one brand of carb. Usually the settings are 1-2 turns for the idle and 1-1.5 turns for the main. Zenith is 1 for idle and 1.5 for main - this is for a C, I assume Super C is the same. If it has a Carter carb the specs are probably about the same, but I don't have one of those. BUT, there is no main jet adjustment screw unless you have a Kerosene/distillate carb, a little unusual for a Super C, but I think IH used them until the late 50's, likely mostly for export -- but you could have one. In warm weather your tractor should start without a choke, then open it slightly to keep it running. Carbs used on IH tractors are notorious for flooding, and if they don't start right away they will flood, then as you have found they are nearly impossible to start. I don't have any other suggestions except that the float needle may not be seated properly, and your float may not be adjusted right. For the Zenith, the correct setting is 1 5/32 from the bowl/throttle body gasket to the bottom (top) of the float, measured with the throttle body UPSIDE DOWN. The float should be horizontal with this measurement. Having said all this, I think your problem is a badly leaking carb, requiring disassembly, and inspection. I have never heard anything good about Denny's. Your timing sounds ok. But, when you reinstall it with the marks lined up, it is a good idea to rotate it counter clocwise viewed from the rear, the rotate it clockwise until you get a spark from the coil wire. The manual says you can check this by installing the distributer and pull out the ignition switch, if the ammeter shows discharge, it is more or less (my words) in time and you do not need to rotate it counterclockwise, (points are closed) -- if not rotate it about 30 degrees, then rotate in the opposite direction until it sparks. Dunno why no one else has answered.