Hey Guys, Borrowed a Super Duper puller from Ken (KFox) out south of Terre Haute today. And man, it seems like the best it could be. Fabricated himself and looks much larger and sturdier than any others I've seen pictured here. Had his son out west machine a nice thick puck with one side at 3 3/8, and the other at 3 7/16. Mine still has the original sleeves so that was handy. He wouldn't take anything for letting me use it, other than my first picking of little tomatos. Didn't know me from Adam, just gave it to me, and oh ya, threw in a free crank too! Mine may be beyond repair. Got home, and slammed out that first sleeve in no time at all, and I'm no kinda machanic. Will be posting pics of it tomorrow, you guys should check them out. Just another testament to the truly great people here at YT, at least on the red side. JK JK! And for anyone following my plight, realized today after pulling the exhaust side water panel that what I thought was a hole in #1 jacket was really just the front of that flange/water flow deflector on the inside of the panel. That was great, but now I have no idea where water in oil is coming from. Somewhere in the front. Anyway, thanks again Ken. The part and advice you gave me have really helped a lot. Brian