Irv: Very good idea, as we get older or have nice legs. I don't fall in that later catergory, however I had guy ask about recomending a Farmall M with loader and Saginaw hitch with bush hog to a young lady wanting to use this around her horse farm. I could see her use of tractor was a lot of on and off tractor. I advised him if his young lady friend had nice legs, she didn't need the annoyance of climbing over that bush hog and Saginaw everytime she got on an off tractor. Far better in that use to have one of the tractors where by you mount and dismount ahead of the rear wheel. He never did confirm the nice legs idea or send photos. Those old Hs, Ms, 300s, etc. with standard U shaped drawbar were very convenient to mount and dismount via the drawbar. Once you add that fast hitch or 3 point hitch, why even the thought gives me pain. I still have scars on my legs from that old 560 with fast hitch, and the fast hitch went down the road in 1972. The one I remember even more than the leg scars was a groin injury, from missing the hitch with mounted corn planter. Problem is, the hitch is never the same height. I saw on of these steps on an M at a show this past weekend. He did a real nice job with black angle iron and varnished plywood. Basically he extended M platform all the way to clutch housing where he put a step below it. I tought, what a nice spot to stand while fueling tractor. He also had a Saginaw hitch on his tractor. I noticed his wheels were roughly 72" centers.