I’ve had similar problems several times after pressure washing my tractors. Problem was the power washer got a bit of water got into the ignition despite the bagging. A few suggestions: Remove ALL the high voltage wires (note where each one goes first!) and set ‘em in the sun for a few hours to dry. If the wires are ‘RF surpression’ (resistor) type, throw ‘em away and replace with solid copper core wires. Remove the distributor cap, rotor and breaker point dust cover. Thoroughly wipe each part clean with a dry cloth. Then leave the distributor open for a few hours to air dry inside. While the distributor is apart check (and reset if necessary) the point gap to .020”. Also with a dry cloth thoroughly clean off the high voltage terminal end of the coil. Remove each spark plug and wipe clean it’s external insulator. If there’s any fouling evident on the plug electrodes toss the plugs and replace with new. Finally put it all back together and fire it up. Chances are it’ll now run fine. Good luck!