Dean: I looked at your thread where your asking about gear oil level. You say this tractor is a 434, serial number B9437 and a 1974 model. Something is wrong here, I would expect serial number B9437 in a 434 would be closer to 1964 than 74. I'm not exactly sure but 434 production ended somewhere between 1968 and 1972. You are in Canada so could it be a 1974 British built 444. Now, about your question on the heater in rad hose, it should work fine whichever tractor you have. As for the manual, I saw several of them at an antique tractor show here in Ontario for the 434. I don't know the vendors name, but could probably find out. Have you looked at Binder Books site. They sell reproduction manuals for just about every IH tractor ever built, at least the US built ones. Take a look, they may have manuals for the British built tractors as well. On your question about gear oil, and I am most familiar with US built tractors. Up until the early 60s they used fill to level plugs on side of transmission case. I suspect your British built tractor has that feature as well. Don't ask me where it is. Most of the US built tractors had it ahead of brakes and slightly below brake shaft. It will be one compartment for rear end, transmission and hydraulics.