Mike: In some respects, this is not an inexpensive hobby. I know some guys are recomending placing a want add. You will find that will yield many responces that don't even come close to your criteria. I have 3 Farmall tractors and about 20 attachments or implements. I will admit I was quite specific about items like options, etc. It took me some 45 years to collect all of this, although I will admit it has only been a serious endevour for about 15 years. If I had a $10. for every wild goose chase I've been sent on only to find I had driven a lot of miles for something not as advertized, I'd need another wallet. If I counted the actual cash outlay, plus time and driving, my 3 tractors and implements would be worth $45,000. Could I sell it for that, not a chance, I'd be lucky to get 30%. In short, you'll be lucky to find exactly what your looking for during the first year. My experience has been, if one rushes to find something, he always pays too much. I know a guy with 84 restored letter series Farmalls. He started 40 years ago and at the time was long haul trucking half way across this continant. He had heavy enough equipment, so there was always enough room for a Farmall on that flat bed trailer. The last time I talked with him, he was still looking for 4 tractors to complete his set.