Derek, is it reallyyyyy yy an Alternator instead of a Generator??? Im like Old, there arent many 6 volt alternators used. If it has a Generator and a Voltage Regulator instead of an alternator, the VR may be labeled as 6 or 12 volt!!!!! !!!!! !!! Does it have a magneto or a battery powered coil ignition?? Cuz if its a coil ignition system and used a 6 volt coil WITHOUT any external series ballast resistor ahead of the coil, the coil would get so hot you could barely hold your hand on it plus it can go bad from overheating and the points will burn up prematurely. If it has an external ballast resistor after the ignition switch and ahead of the coil, then it may have been converted from 6 to 12 volts at one time. If it was a 6 volt and now a 12 and the starter wasnt changed, they spin like real fast but thats kinda hard to describe over the net As far as coil n points ignition (if thats what it has instead of a mag) it depends on if the batery is Positive or Negative grounded and it will still work regardless HOWEVER its more efficient if wired to match the ground. i.e. if Pos ground the coils + goes to the distributor while if Neg ground its - does. If its a magneto makes absolutely no diffeence as its not connected to the battery for power. The points n condensor woud be the same on a coil ignition regardless if 6 or 12 volts so they arent gonna provide any clues. If it were mine and if originality isnt a concern, since it already has a 12 volt battery and maybe?? a 12 volt alternator, I would rig her as 12 volts Negative ground n be done with it. If its a coil ignition it needs EITHER a full true 12 volt (internally ballasted) coil or else a 6 volt coil with an external series ballast resistor, but if a mag its no difference n youre good to go as is. If its a generator instead of an alternator it needs at least a 12 volt VR and preferably have the genny converted to 12 volts or get a rebuilt one or even try the present genny (6 or 12 volt) with a 12 volt VR n see how she charges and DONT FORGET TO POLARIZE the genny. If we had some pictures we could better help see what you have !!!!! !!! You may wanna invest in a new wiring harness n check out Bob M's Wiring Diagrams. NOOOO the coil n alternator n genny n ignition and the points or ammeter etc or starter dont look much if any different to answer your question John T