Robert: Using tractor engines with constant cubic inch displacment for various hp is very common. Farm equipment companies have been doing this for years. Having a few years experience, I can tell you the low hp demand per cubic inch has always been the most efficient engine. I owned both a 560 and 656 diesel in my day. I can tell you those 282 engines that operated at a goverened max. rpm of 2,000 and max. 65 hp, gave many more years of trouble free service than the ones that were cranking out 75+hp at 2,300 rpm. I can also take you back to the C-113 and C-123 engines in Farmalls A, SA, 100, 130 and 140 versus the same engines in C, SC, 200, 230 and 240. Great power source for that first group being the offsets. They didn't have enough for the larger second group. I dare say if you find the right technician, he can crank 250 hp out of your 560. It's 45+ years old now, thus it will probably blow up within a month at 250 hp. If your going to spend those kind of dollars, you may as well buy a larger tractor and be done with it. Why in hell be mucking around in grease and oil all the time.