(Bet many of us have a story something like this.)My great uncle and aunt invited me at the early age of 6, to come up to their farm in South Carolina for the summer. I went, and immediately discovered a Cub and two M's. I recall one M must have been a very a early model - it had the curved pipe seat. I thought God made that Cub for me. Each summer over the next seven years, I gladly went to the farm, graduating to the M's; drove them all and formed great memories while doing tractor chores with my great uncle whom I adored. On another uncle's farm was their 1951 Super C - which my cousins still have, original paint and all - and an F model of some kind. Our neighbors, the Armstrongs, had a Super A, Tom Butler, a very successful negro farmer, had an H, Bill Abracombie had a Super M and Jonesy Williams had a Cub. There were other tractors around there, but by then, if they weren't red, I was not interested. So.... now I am getting long in the tooth and quite nostalgic. And, that is why a city boy like me has two Farmall Super A's in the middle of downtown Pensacola, Florida. Those familiar Farmall sounds and smells take me back in time to very happy days. mike