Hi guys. I got a IH 300 utility. Alot of work has gone into getting this baby up and running. Now I have a problem. The hour meter has 18,000+ hours on it and doesnt work. It doesnt work because the connection into the distro/hydra pump is messed up I think. Right between the cover/keeper, and the actual housing is what looks like a gear? I'd imagine it should be inside the housing, but obviously it doesnt fit. I haven't even touched it yet to take it apart. I'm wondering if this looks abnormal, because it sure does to me and I've never seen a tractor close up like this, so I dont know what to expect here. I'm thinking the mounting plate, retention plate, or whatever you want to call it, should be flush with the pump housing? Here are some pics, you'll have to copy paste since I dont know how to format links in this forum. Link LinkAlso a few quick tire questions. My right tire is a tad low. I went to check the psi and some fluid came out. Dad says they used to fillem with anitfreeze for added weight. I would assume they are tubed otherwise the rims would rust out in no time. The tire does not say tubeless, so would it be safe to say its tubed? Also there is a nut on the outside of the rim holding the valvestem to the rim. In any event, there is no psi rating on the tires that I can see, at least the rear ones. What is the normal PSI rating for these types of tires? (dad says his Silver King was 8-10 psi) Also, just for future reference, what can one expect to pay for a tube for this sort of tire, and how the heck do you unmount it, as the rim doesnt look very substantial around the lip, so crowbars are out of the question. Thanks guys for all the help. Sometime, I'll have more pics of my tractor when I get it running good and get some pics. This winter I plan to paint the tin and maybe the cast iron parts, dunno yet.