I generaly don't disturb the studs in the block. I would make sure the threads are clean, even wire brush them and spray with solvent. Then lightly oil them and wipe the oil off with a clean rag. That should be sufficient lubricant. Run the nuts on and off the studs to be sure that there is no binding that would give a false torque reading. Torque the head to 80 ft/lbs. Start with the center studs and work evenly to the ends. I usually put about half the torque on the first time through, them 3/4 or so, then go to full torque. Install the rocker arm assembly and set the valve lash at .016/.017 cold. Start the tractor and let it warm up thoroughly. Shut it down and as soon as your hands can stand the tempurature, pull the valve cover and rocker arm assembly off and re-torque the head to 80 ft/lbs. Then replace the rocker arm assembly and set the valves at .014 while it is still warm. Check your head gasket, the last few I've put on have "sealant and re-torque required" stamped right on them. That's what I do and it seems to be working for me. Good luck!