09-15-2006 03:34:31
Re: IH 340 industrial in reply to Mark / Wi, 09-14-2006 13:28:40
I would look it over real well. Check the hydraulic oil as well. IF this is any sort of seller, you should be able to get in writting a warranty for 2 weeks with the provision that the oil be changed (either by him or you, or both). That way if anything happens, you should be able to get a refund. Be honest with him about your concerns, tell him you've talked to profesionals (not me by any means) about it. Get a pressure gauge and check each cylinder for good compression. They are readily available for around $20 (a very good investment). They can tell you the difference beetween worn piston rings/sleeves, or bad vavles, or even a blown head gasket. I suppose one could remove the oil pan and check the mains somewhat, but that's going maybe a little too far? Also check grease fitting/joints for new grease. If the grease looks non existent, then thats another indication or a pooring maintained tractor. With the backhoe, check for slack in the swing chain (the chain that moves the backhoe back and forth) when the tractor is running (dont stick your finger in there!!) See if the tach works, so you can get a better idea of the tractors actual usage. Would be nice if you could use the loader/backhoe with a pile of dirt laying around. A weak hydraulic pump (which aint cheap to replace) may move the unloaded implements fine, but when loaded, they may slow down a considerably undesirable amount. Also, what is the asking price. Start low with your offer, you'd be surprised at what you can get things for when you low ball. My theory is you can always go up, cant go back down =)Hope I've helped in some way. I'm not so sure I got a good deal on my trctor. I'm sure some paint will change my thoughts on that =) Hopefully thsat will be next springs project.