John: The 230 doesn't have a transmission brake. Those are usually on larger tractors and designed so when clutch pedal is all the down, it applies a brake to stop the input gears of the transmission. The most common problems causing transmission not to stop I've seen are; pilot bushing, clutch disc not sliding on splined shaft. On new presure plates, sometimes the fingers are not adjusted equally. How long have you had this 230? Over the years a lot of folks changed the rear end-transmission oil from 90W gear oil to Hy tran. Hy tran is recomended for the newer tractors that draw their hydraulic oil from the rear end-transmission case. Those tractors for the most part have transmission brakes. Personally I wouldn't do that in these tractors. By these tractors I mean SA, SC, 100, 200, 130, 230, 140 and 240. The heavier oil will slow the input gears of the transmission down faster when you depress the clutch in neutral. You might try changing that oil before you go too far with this. I would refill it with gear oil 90W or heavier. The 230 does require Hy tran in the hydraulic system, but that is a completely separate compartment.