SELL THE TRACTOR! You need a modern tractor which will either protect you or at least has a current manufacturer your wife can sue for making a dangerous piece of equipment. When the spring breaks, you don't necessarily fall off. I've had them break and you just lose a little altitude. You have to hang on to the steering wheel. I've had the steering post break off and the steering shaft come out of the u-joint. That is a more dangerous condition. You can't steer and have nothing to hang on to to push the clutch in. By the way, parts break on new tractors, too. Go look at new tractors. They have lots of safety features which are designed to accomodate lack of personal responsibility. These old ones are not designed to today's safety standards and if that makes you uncomfortable you should sell the tractor to some other innocent individual, or if you are really conscientious, cut it up to save some poor woman from becoming a widow. Nat gave you the best advice, slow down. You just as easily could have hit a sinkhole you did not know was there and turned the tractor over. By the way, when my front wheels jump I don't just look down to see if I'm running over a calf, telephone pole, truck wheel, drunk neighbor, or power line, I get the clutch in and get it stopped. I don't want to tear up my equipment. If I can't see what I'm doing, I go slow and keep on efoot on the clutch (usually the left). My wife knows if I die on a old Farmall it was because I was doing what I wanted to do. She plans to call the auctioneer first, then the mortician.