Here is a picture of what's under the inner cover of that right axle. I can see a washer against the bearing that has the same outer diameter as the lost washer. I don't know if there is a washer on the other side of the bearing. So it may or may not be properly re-assembled. As the axle must be "driven out", and as I have been driving it without problem, I'm not going to disassemble now. The answer I need now: My 'parts' book doesn't show the BOLT. I expected a castellated nut with a cotter pin, to adjust the bearing/axle looseness. Instead, I find a 'bolt'-head. Thus, I'm now assuming that the bearing adjustment must be done with that 'lugged'-spacer, and then the bolt torqued down. Is this correct? I don't want to put any stress on the bearing from over-tightening, but I don't want to leave the bolt loose either, if it's supposed to be tight. And since that bolt is currently un-torqued, should I remove that tire to have a better 'feel' for the bearing adjustment? Appreciate your time.