If its really a 6 volt battery and NOT an 8 volt battery, the normal voltage just setting there if its a good battery thats charged up SHOULD BE AROUND 6.3 VOLTS (3-2.1 volt cells) Then when hooked to a good and properly regulated generator charging system at fast RPM Id expect the battery voltage to rise to 6.5 TO MAYBE 7.5 OR SO MAXXXX DEPENDING on the RPM and Generator and Voltage Regulator.. I wouldnt get to excited if that 8 volts only lasted a short time until the battery recovered from the energy depleted when she starts up but then backed off to the 6.5 to 7 or so volt range BUTTTTT T if you keep well over 8 volts for an extended time you could overcharge n harm the battery The rate of charge is supposed to be regulated by that 4 terminal Voltage Regulator you have pictured. Sure its wired right????? ARM/GEN on VR to Gennys ARM post FLD on VR to Gennys FLD post BAT on VR up to Load (NOT battery/starter) side of ammeter LOAD on VR sends hot batetry voltage up to light switch NOWWWWW WWW if you have a 12 volt genny and voltage regulator..... .it will sure overcharge and over raise the normal 6.3 battery volts SURE THATS NOT THE CASE????? ??? You dont have an 8 volt battery in there do ya?? It would have 4 cells insted of 3 like a 6 volt battery????? ??? Keep an eye on the batetry n if she starts outgassing badly and/or boils over shes overcharging and that can hurt it..... If shes wired wrong or has a shorted FLD post that can keep her in high max charge rate and overcharge the battery..... ... If the VR is bad and stuck in the high max charge condition that also can overcharge the battery..... .... If its a 3 brush genny they can be adjusted to lower the charge rate..... Remove the wire from the Gennys FLD post (one to FLD on VR) n see how she charges then ??? (should be very low to no charge at all) Then dead ground the genny FLD post right at the genny(still removed wire to VR) n see what happens (should be max high charge) I think its either a bad VR,,,,, ,,or the VR isnt wired right,,,,, ,or the FLD is shorted to ground,,,,, ,,,,or its a 12 volt genny and VR,,,,, ,or its an 8 volt battery,,,,, ,,or your volt meter isnt accurate Lets see what others think John T