11-11-2006 04:26:30
Re: OT: Cant believe I just did that. in reply to Kelly C, 11-10-2006 21:59:21
I stop beating them about 3 years ago. HOWEVER!! When you build your own, you know what you got. You dont have to fish around for weeks trying to find a driver for that dell modem 3 years from now when you upgrade to the newest O/S. You can choose the brands you want. I depsise Maxtor, and now that WD has bought maxtor, I'm learning to like seagate better (can't beat that warranty or their disk densities). One thing that ticks me off, is you see $1800 in FREE software. They probably pay $50 At the Most for the software and feed you some line of crap that it's worth $1800. I never buy software, I refuse. There's only been 2 programs I have ever used that lived up to my expectations and actually decided to donate to. They dont do anything for you if you have issues, no refunds or anything (especially if you buy it online). With some many variables from computr to comoputer, you are stuck in the mudd if you have problems, just ask all the former win98se users. Been there, done that. I'm currently on a 2000 box with a Tbird 1.3gig, 768meg ran, and 2 terabytes of storage. It's time to upgrade the cpu/mobo/ram, but I've been out of it for a while and Cant decide. I figured I would wait a year of so until vista has at least one service pack and someone has figured out a way to beat microsoft's protection. Maybe I'll opt for linux this time. I used to run linux and still use it on my firewall/router box, but nobody developed drivers for my cap card that I can't live without. Computer Suck at one point or another, and its just a matter of time before I run into more idiots who have no idea what a registry is or a domain name. Like cars, if you dont know anything about it, maybe you shouldnt own it. A world of "as long as it works and I'm an idiot" society. Sorry, I just get tired of stupid people who take no initiatize to learn anything about an item they just spent a grand or more on. I'm crazy and cheap but in the rare event I do buy something new, The first thing I do and love to do is read the owners manual. They keep getting smaller and smaller!! I hate this disposable society!!