11-20-2006 09:56:27
Re: Implements for use with a Super H in reply to Allan In NE, 11-20-2006 07:27:55
Allan, what I pulled with an H was called a land plane in south Texas. Maybe 20 feet long, large upright frame. perhaps 8-10 feet wide, or larger if you had something to pull it. What they call floats in SW Kansas are somewhat shorter, have smaller wheels, and a lighter more compact frame. Perhaps more of a finishing tool, not as heavy duty as a land plane. It may not be necessary to use a land plane each year -- a float may be more routine, don't know. They do look different, many are/were made by Everson. H will pull both, either will bring an H to its knees if run too deep. With the smaller tractors you just make more trips. We only occassionally used a land plane, but used what we called a "drag", 9 feet wide, maybe 15-20? feet long with several cross pieces, no wheels. Strictly a local farm type of thing, as they could not be drug cross country. Made with 6/8 X 10's completely out of wood. There were metal ones. I have not seen a single one of those in Kansas, very common in S Texas, or at least they used to be. Floats and land planes are slowly dying out due to sprinkler irrigation, still a lot of flood, though.