super m: If the parts are quite new, very likely dirt is your problem. I farmed with these for years, annual event was taking them apart and cleaning. Brakes that are used create dust and that dust cakes in the ball and ramps. Another thing we are starting to see, is surfaces worn on both sides of brake discs and actuater, thus even with new actuator and discs inside the space is too wide, causing actuators to open too far, and you get a jambing effect. What you can do in this case is plane down surface of brake housing where meets tractor chassis. Be careful with this one, don't plane off too much. There are guys on here who have done it, very likely Bob M is one of them. Later models like the 656, used a system of shims, to make the chamber smaller. I guess by the time the 656 was built, IH realized these letter series tractors were going to last long enough to wear that braking surface. Little did they know, 40 years could be added to that. Probably by now another 50 could be added. Ohhhh the heartaches Corperate America dreated for themselves, building tractors that had such longeviety. Just think of the new tractors they would be selling if we couldn't keep these old ones running.