I saw the posting about putting up some Christmas Lights. I am very supportive of the Volunteer Fire Department in my area. In my community, we without fail have life or property loss around Christmas from decoration related fire. Last year, as an experiment, I took our Christmas Tree outside to see two things:1. How difficult (easy) was it to fire it up and 2. How long would it take to burn it. I was absolutely startled. It took minor efforts to light it and by my stop watch, it took 30 seconds for it to be a roaring fire. If this thing has been in my home, there definitely would have been a "working" fire in less than a minute. The reason I am writing is to say to everyone...lets make this season a happy one by taking extreme precautions to prevent fire...by 1. Never leaveing lights on after retiring for day. 2. Never go off leaving decorations unsupervised 3. Keep them isolated from combustables. 4. Kept well away from heat source. 5. Keep the natural tree in water to prevent drying out. 6. Keep extingusher immediately available and everyone trained to operate it. (once a natural tree gets roaring, you will not have time to respond with extinguisher) TW