Oliver, I reckon Ive done it anyway possible lol. 1) I've kept the original 6 volt Delco Genny n simply chamged out the Voltage Regulator to a 12 volt n she worked. Im NOT saying its engineering correct or charges at any high rate ONLY that it can work. 2) I've had an old fashioned starter n genny repair shop convert the existing genny over to 12 volts, (involves Field windings) thats probably the best but costs more. Kenneths Classic Generator down in Texas can do it for ya if theres no one locally 3) Go to a salvage yard n get a known working 12 volt genny in the same basic Delco frame size and, of course, a 12 volt VR. BE SURE N REPOLARIZE THE GENNY BEFORE YOU FIRE HER UP Then add the external series ballast resistor with the stock 6 volt or else get a full true 12 volt coil and change lights. I wouldnt get into any polarity changes as that involves coil lead and ammeter lead swaps. I see no reason to convert an H or anythign smaller, possibly an M ifffff ffff shes not in good shape n MUST start at extreme cold temps. If one is a slow cranker at 6 volts try the biggest heaviest highest rated battery that will physically fit in the compartment and use 00 Gauge battery n starter n ground cables... John T