KDJ, The 2000 loader is a pretty big loader for an M. It's not even meant to go on an M. I've got a manual and it doesn't even go into installing one on an M due to the lack of high-capacity, two-way hydraulics that the loader really needs to work properly. Speed is a function of GPMs, gallons per minute, and even if this M has a live pump, it's not going to set any land speed records moving the loader. It's going to be slow. Sounds like the arms are plumbed for pressure-up and gravity down using the tractor's standard 1-way hydraulics. Do you pull the lift rod that goes to the belly of the tractor to raise and lower the loader? The belly pump doesn't hold enough fluid to lift the loader all the way by itself. The hose and TEE that run under the belly are probably plumbed into the belly pump's drain port, and the "dead" side of the cylinders are supposed to be filled with oil to supplement the belly pump reservoir. To get "power down" for the arms you will need to add a two-way valve into the system. To make it go faster, you will need to get a different tractor. You can add the wide front, no problem.