Well I got my 3pt done and got my blade all fixed up, replaced some hardware, drilled and retapped the main pivot retention bolt. That was fun, I used two taps of the same size and went back and forth, I think one was ever so slightly different, because it would come to a total stop, then I'd swap to the other and get a bit further, and back and forth and in about 10 minutes It was tapped. Yes I used cutting oil and turned it back and forth like you are supposed to =) I hate using taps, stupid easy outs have me paranoid of hardened metal cutting bits snapping off, hehe.

I also had weld to up and redrill the position holes, they were very wobbled out. The holes are in 1" plate. The blade musta been taken through some abuse in its years. The main "tab" on the mount is bent up.

Anyways, when I got the blade, I was concerned because it was a cat II implement and stuck out quite a bit from the mount. I didnt know if my hitch would have the balls to dig it in. Well After getting a toplink and making some spacers I got it done. The 2 bottom links are attatched with clevix pins instead of the reg 3pt pins. The top link is secured by a fine thread bolt with a sleeve over it to convert it to the cat II holes.

I got to test it out today, altho it was a bit muddy. First I took it out to the pavement to see how it would dig in and if it had enough balls to lift the rear of the tractor up. It sure does!! I think thats pretty good since it stick out nearly 4 feet from the fast hitch sockets. I took it out in the yard where the track is going to be and was tearing up ground pretty good. Kept loosing traction because of the mud, so I decided to stop. I'm happy with it, it should make the track pretty nice =) One thing I have to do is cut a triangle out of the left top corner of the blade so it can clear the gussets so it can be turned around. Its not alot, but its enough to keep it from being turned. After That, It's all done!!