You can try cleaning the comm. People use anything from stiff pencil erasers, to index card. I use 1600grit sandpaper (dont confuse this with 160grit). It is almost as sooth as paper. If you clean the comm and see any blueish colored pads, the commutator has a burnt spot and it pretty much toast. Also make sure the springs actually push the brushes onto the commutator decent since they seem worn down quite a bit, mine are almost an inch long. If this doesnt work, the commutator may be toast. If it has been turned or worn below spec, This can cause the start to have no torque. I'm not sure if these startes are permenant magnet type or have a field. If they have magnets, the magnets might need to be re-magnetized. Heat, shock can cause magnets to loose their magnetism, but It's quite unlikely. To clean the comm, I normally chuck the armature in my drill presss (remove the table or swing it back), then use 1600grit sandpaper or whatever you desire and try to keep uniform pressure and a constant back and forth motion. Hope you figure it out. The starter you describe seems weak. It should nearly come out of your hand when you hook the battery up to it. Most brushed motors that loose power either have a magnet issue, or more then likley a brush-commutator issue. Altho a burnt winding is not unheard of, but should be noticeable if you disassemble it.. Be sure to note the location of any spacers or thrust washers on the commutator.