Mike: I realize I've gained a bit of weight since retiring. haha Didn't think it was bad enough you'd start calling me HUGE. I'll have to keep my computer screen turned the other way until this gets to page 3 or 4. My wife will be chiming in here agreeing with you. With regards to the 140, jack each rear wheel. As the weight comes off wheel, watch axle in relation final drive. This should tell you if you have loose axle bearings. When you jack the tractor, anchor it well, drawbar to drawbar with another tractor or pickup works well. With one wheel off ground start tractor and let it turn that wheel, cut off your wife's broom handle, (she needs a new one anyhow) put one end of the broom handle to your ear and go over those castings from rear wheel to torque tube. Then change jack to other side and repeat. The broom handle will Zero in on any noise you have and pin point exactly where. You might try different gears as well. You've got to be able to get to those plugs for filling final drives. I modified my Woods mounting with a hole through it for those plugs. Let us know what you find. If you call me huge again, I'll take a southern winter holliday, catch you out having a Jan snooze in the Florida sunshine and sit on you. That should fix your calling me unflattering names hahaha.