Contrary to popular belief, oil is oil, especially when it comes to these old tractors. The pumps are made of metal and the seals are good old fashioned steel-and-rubber, not funky composite materials that disintegrate in the presence of certain additives. You won't blow anything up or destroy anything using the "wrong" oil, within reason. Of course, don't expect the engine to run long with 140wt gear oil in the crankcase, or the hydraulic pump to last very long. If the oil is anywhere near the right viscosity, it will work just fine. 30wt non-detergent oil for hydraulics is an outdated recommendation. There was no such thing as hydraulic oil in the early 1940s. There were detergent and non-detergent oils. Detergent oils would foam in the hydraulic system, so non-detergent oil was recommended. HyTran is commonly used in belly pumps nowadays. Don't worry about it being thick, as it will warm up and thin out in a hurry.