Bob: I know why, but as I see it there are two reasons. Most of us have broke the odd casting when a tractor was yet only 5 years old. I broke a 130 final drive in 1962, 300 front bolster in 64. At that early stage replacments had to come from IH and yes they have a different date code. Probably even scrap yard castings would have had a different code. Then there are these guys building tractors from 2 or more doner tractors, and not even trying to get it right. I saw a Farmall 140 in the photo adds the other day, advertized as a farm fresh one owner tractor. To read the promo, you'd think the one owner took it to bed with him every night. Well guess what; it had cast spoke front wheels and pre 1951 tyrods. 58 was the first 140 and they never had cast wheels. Another example this time a Farmall 100 with a 6 digit serial number. Got to be a Super A with 100 sheet metal. My point in all this discussion was not to chalange what we believe about original tractors having casting codes with 2-3 month spread and tractor built a month later. The purpose of this forum has been helping one another. Helping the new guys make sure they are getting what they think they are seeing is just as important as help with a mechanical problem. AWARENESS is what it's all about. A 40-60 Farmall doesn't look right with cast spoke front wheels, just as your SH and SM wouldn't look right with pressed steel disc front wheels. Several years ago I had a fellow try to tell me, pressed steel front wheels were an option on a SH. By the way that SH also had band brakes. He told me he could take me up the road to a senile old man that bought the SH new. Even talked about swearing on the bible. Finally he kicked me off the property. My mission with this is nothing more than awareness.