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Topic snarls

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01-14-2007 12:51:13

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Threads seem to be connecting out of their location on the last couple of pages. Is there an issue with the links between topics and threads? Also while on line the discussion forum for All the rest seems to rarely change its opening page list of topics. Long tractor discussion has been there for a while. Curious JimN

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Randy as in Randy-IA

01-14-2007 16:55:58

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 Re: Topic snarls in reply to Janicholson, 01-14-2007 12:51:13  
And I thought it was just my computer . I tried disconnecting and restarting my computer a couple of times , no help . The forum must have lost some threads in the last 24 hrs also . I posted last night and now I can't find it . No big loss .

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01-14-2007 13:37:57

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 Re: Topic snarls in reply to Janicholson, 01-14-2007 12:51:13  
Kim needs to update her software, she knows it. She has tried a couple of times, but has met a lot of resistance from those who simply do not want to learn a new system -- It's not that hard. Use the Red Power forum as an example, about as easy as they come. The current problem is a new one on me -- In the 7-8 years I have been on here, I have seen most things. Biggest problem for me is posting, I have to open 2 windows so I have something to do while I'm waiting. I am convinced that problems will be fixed, then recur again after a period of time, but they WILL recur as long as the existing software is used. This is a very large site, it is simply maxed out.

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01-15-2007 06:22:54

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 Re: Topic snarls in reply to CNKS, 01-14-2007 13:37:57  
I do use the Red Power forums from time to time. It is not one bit faster than right here, and trying to keep track of who replied to who, and when, is very confusing. Also, the most popular discussion constantly gets pushed back to the top of the page, even if it is a week or a month old, and the most recent posting may end up on page three without recieving any comments. Moving in that direction would be a step backwards.

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01-15-2007 07:16:01

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 Re: Topic snarls in reply to RustyFarmall, 01-15-2007 06:22:54  
It's faster for me, but, I agree that who responded to who on RPM is confusing and RPM, unlike YT does not list the postings before they are opened. But, the response on RPM automatically quotes the person you are responding to, unless you delete it. Sometimes I delete sometimes not, but the automatic quotation is a way to keep the responses straight. The top of page thing works both ways. You are right in that questions such as "what is the best tractor" gets pushed to the top for days, and it is usually the junk posts like that are the ones that are at the top of the page most of the time. On the other hand, the more technical questions on either forum, do, as you say get pushed to page 2 rapidly. I have had to provide links to some of mine, that I did not get a satisfactory response to. On RPM if someone is reading on page 2 or 3 and answers the question it gets put at the top of page 1 where others see it and may answer. So,it works both ways, there are advantages and disadvantages to everything. I really don't care what format YT is, as long as it works. For me there is a slow posting problem that disappears after one of Kim's major overhauls, but the the site gets overworked and it happens again. These problems don't seem to occur nationwide, and according to Hugh, don't cross the Canadian border, If it wasn't so cold I might move there. I say that, and it was about 5 degrees this morning, and hasn't been above 20 for about 3 days. Still ice here from a more localized ice storm that wiped us out the end of December.

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Hugh MacKay

01-15-2007 10:14:13

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 Re: Topic snarls in reply to CNKS, 01-15-2007 07:16:01  
CNKS: There you go, today is actually only the second day this winter we've had freezing temperatures together with percipitation. And on your good old farenheit scale, we've yet to see 20 degrees. I doubt if we've actually seen freezing temperatures more than a dozen nights.

Bear in mind this is SW Ontario, same parallel as northern CA. Now, when you get north of the 49th parallel, those boys can tell you about cold, and yes they have been seeing -40 or lower. You see it can't get cold here anymore, Lake Erie won't even freeze, it's all that waste heat and pollution off Toronto, Buffalo, Clevland, Toledo and Detroit. They are right around us in a semi-circle. It's a wee bit like the first settlers forming the wagons in a semi-circle to defend from Indian attach. I forgot Hamilton, and maybe a few in OH.

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Allan In NE

01-15-2007 03:24:29

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 Re: Topic snarls in reply to CNKS, 01-14-2007 13:37:57  

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Hugh MacKay

01-14-2007 15:23:51

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 Re: Topic snarls in reply to CNKS, 01-14-2007 13:37:57  
CNKS: NEVER, have I ever had slow posting on here. I can trace any slowness in performance of my computer directly back to my server. I can tell you TIME is the reason I'm not on Red Power. If you've got time for that, then nothing here at YT should slow you down.

It's been well known for years, photos will slow any system down. One of the reasons I rarely respond to those folks known to be using photos in their posts. Kim does not allow adds on discussion pages, maybe it's time she put a stop to photos on discussion pages. She has provided a photo gallery, maybe more folks should use it. Get back to some good old articulate discussion by folks that know how to express themselves. We can always refer to a photo in the gallery, and those who wish to down load it, can. Why burdon everyone with the down loading of photos. Well, most everyone except me.

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01-15-2007 04:34:19

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 Re: Topic snarls in reply to Hugh MacKay, 01-14-2007 15:23:51  
It`s not all pictures . Allan`s pictures come right up for me as do Gary`s and alot of others but some are slow to load , somtimes I wait somtimes I dont . I`ve never had a posting problem , have had some other issues though and most of those went away when Santy Claus brought me this new computer .

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Hugh MacKay

01-15-2007 06:46:24

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 Re: Topic snarls in reply to TGIN, 01-15-2007 04:34:19  
TGIN: I agree some photos are worse than others, no question about that. I'm dealing with dialup here, can't get anything else, and I realize that has some effect. My daughter who lives in city and is on high speed tells me my system is faster than hers.

My biggest bone of contention is right with my server. My system is slow to connect late afternoon and early evening, sometimes I even get an indicator telling me all lines are all busy, try later. If I immediately click connect it will dialup and connect. The server has the gaul to tell me the problem is my old equipment or settings. Funny, this never happens at 4 am. I expect these hi-tech folks would try and tell an old farmer, having a radio on the tractor would cause the baler not to tie.

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01-15-2007 09:42:45

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 Re: Topic snarls in reply to Hugh MacKay, 01-15-2007 06:46:24  
Be sure to use the 9000 ft. twine and keep the radio tuned to AM and there wont be a problem . I`m on dial up and used to have problems when I first got on line about 8-9 yrs. ago . Could`nt get on line after dinner or at 8 am but they must have plenty of lines now , like ya said never had any trouble when I pull into this coffee shop at 4 in the morning as I do most days .

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Hugh MacKay

01-15-2007 10:24:35

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 Re: Topic snarls in reply to TGIN, 01-15-2007 09:42:45  
TGIN: See here now, it's got to be that damn FM radio.

That saying, "see here now" was used by an oldtimer in my home town. He hired a guy by the name Bob to work on the farm. His daughter always got delegated to help Bob milk the cows. It is said the the old guy told Bob one day, See here now Bob, it's taking too long to milk those cows, just where are you using up the time". Well, Bob and the daughter went on to raise 4 children, so I guess the old guy got his answer.

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01-14-2007 19:44:39

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 Re: Topic snarls in reply to Hugh MacKay, 01-14-2007 15:23:51  
Externally linked pictures do not slow down the yeserdays tractor server. If I host a pictures on photobucket and post it on the foprum, it only requires the bytes to post the embed tag.
Even on dialup, most reasonalby sized pics dont take an ungodly time to download. With modem compression 56k is more then adequate to downl;oad pictures. maybe your phone line quality or isp is at fault.

Hosting pictures in the photogallery actually uses more of the servers bandwidth and is actually what slows it down. These photos are hosted directly by the forum server and not a 3rd party hosting site like photobucket

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01-14-2007 17:55:08

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 Re: Topic snarls in reply to Hugh MacKay, 01-14-2007 15:23:51  
Slow posting for me has occurred on 3 computers, and about 4 different internet providers, including the broadband I have now. Pictures have no noticeable effect on my service, and I'm too lazy to learn how to send them, will learn someday. They did have an effect when I had dialup. My main picture irritation are those that are too big. I don't spend much time looking at those. Your lack of posting must be the clean air up in Canada or something (Canada does have it's advantages), but it has been a perennial problem for me, until Kim fixes it, then it is very fast. Signals must go faster south for you than north for me. I spend 95% of my computer time here, the other 5% on Red Power, mainly because it's mostly the later number series tractors of which I know even less about than the ones on this forum. RPM is not foolproof, but is faster than this one by quite a ways, at least from where I am. Perhaps I need to check the health of the gerbils running the servers down here. Yours probably run faster to keep warm.

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Hugh MacKay

01-14-2007 13:36:31

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 Re: Topic snarls in reply to Janicholson, 01-14-2007 12:51:13  
Jim: if you notice down the page, a thread started by JD Humm. I just got forum notification for all his responces. I can usually get into arguments easily enough without being drawm in.

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01-14-2007 13:00:26

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 Re: Topic snarls in reply to Janicholson, 01-14-2007 12:51:13  
I think it's the cold weather. I'm just a bit glitchy myself.

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