Rusty: Just stuck my head out the door and by the feel on flesh, I'm calling it +10F. It's definitely our coldest morning yet. I hate that hanging right around the freezing mark. Once it gets this cold folks start getting better traction on it. I had to laugh the other morning when the suburbs of Toronto were getting that freezing rain along with their 800 minor colisions. Radio interviewed a highway patrolman who called it as it was, people driving too fast for conditions. The next interview was a man in a SUV, couldn't understand why it was so slippery, it wasn't that cold. Then the tire companies don't help with their adds claiming their !@#$% tire will give you excellent traction all the way down to -30. Some of those folks just need to experience a drive in a log truck, in the bush, with a trucker too lazy to put his chains on with temps right on freezing mark. Experience the thrill of spinning out, going down the hill backwards on wet ice, or worse still loosing it heading down hill with the load of logs behind you. I've had it happen even with the chains on. I remember once being 12 miles back a single lane road, rolled down hard packed snow. 3 trucks and we were all loading as it started freezing rain on top of that snow. Just while we were finishing our loads, ice build up was close to 1". There were numerous elevations on that road 50' in a 1/4 mile. We agreed I'd go first as I had the best chance of making it, as I didn't have pup behind. We stayed in CB contact, yet not too close in case someone came down a hill backwards. 1.5 hours later we made it to the black top. It was a hair raising journey, and needless to say we didn't go back for a second load. All of this happened in the dark as we'd all left home shortly after midnight trying to beat the mild weather. We trucked that road without chains when it was extremely cold.