Paul: If the smoke is blue, I doubt if your going to find bubbles. White smoke is usually associated with leaky head gasket, really steam, not smoke, as coolant makes it's way to the exhaust. Quite common with this is compression, making it's way to the radiator and causing bubbles. I had this happen once with my SA, looked like a small steam engine approaching, and the exhaust you get from the steam cylinder, not the fire box. My SA also blew bubbles in the rad. That was 10 years ago and I replaced the head gasket, no trouble since. Since you cleared up the smoke color and the fact it goes away after warm up, what you need is some down right hard work for the little tractor. It's begging you for some real exercise. What have you got for equipment? 2 bottom plow and 10 acres plowing would do. 60" finish mower, 72" would be better. Even a stone boat with 2 ton of rocks on it, and in 2nd for 2-4 hours. Find something,and just tell the little beast, "Super A your getting in shape today". It will respond faster than your own body. I find the plow, disk or field cultivator best for this. There is always someone looking to have a little corner tilled up. Often guys with big equipment will hire you. Bear in mind you'll recover little more than your fuel and wear and tear. They are probably plowing for less than $10. per acre with their big machines. You'll be lucky to get $20.per acre out of them, thus you will be plowing for $10. per hour. Don't put on a campaign for volume, just enough for yearly exercise.